Sunday 15 July 2012

Briscoe - Day Job

I got to participate in another Briscoe video. 'Day Job' is a brilliant, catchy pop song. Here is the video clip:

My role was to wear a yellow pillowcase over my head and sit slumped in an office chair, as though dead. My screen time was around 0.5 seconds, but I came to this task with a lifetime's interest in corpse-acting. If there is a mortuary scene in a police procedural show, I am often unable to follow dialogue due to the overriding attention I pay to the corpse, trying to perceive signs of life. If it is a murder scene with an open-eyed body, I am intent on spotting involuntary dilation of the pupil. a fluttering nerve, the shadow of a pulse. How many takes due to the corpse appearing alive? Do the actors sit about and have a laugh in their corpse make-up between takes? Do they need to have the room particularly warm to prevent the corpse getting goose-pimples?

Despite the brevity of my screen time, it was necessary to sit motionless under the yellow pillowcase for the song's duration, unaware of when the camera would be on me. In attempting to remain motionless, I was aware of every involuntary motion of my unruly body. The sensory deprivation brought about by wearing a pillowcase over my head amplified an extreme self-consciousness of my chest heaving when I breathed, the pillowcase ballooning and contracting with every breath, my heart palpitating within my chest, my limbs twitching wildly with uncontrolled muscular spasms.

Of course, none of this was apparent. Bart also filmed me riding my skateboard around, wearing a suit and with a yellow pillowcase over my head, but this will probably never be used until Briscoe record a song called 'Ben Is A Fucking Show-Off'.

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